I am playing with the gated check-ins using an almost empty workflow, just to understand the inner workings.
Here is my scenario:
- Make a change.
- Check-in, triggering the gated check-in - the workflow does nothing.
- Go to the agent associated with the gated check-in and play a bit with the shelveset - see below.
So, I have created a new file (1.txt) and checked it in. The change is recorded in a new shelveset and now I am going to the agent and first make sure that no changes are there and that the shelveset is available:
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf status /recursive
There are no pending changes.
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> dir 1.txt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf history ..\..\..\ /version:T /stopafter:1 /recursive /noprompt
Changeset User Date Comment
--------- ----------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105631 DAYFORCE\mkhar... 10/24/2014
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf shelvesets "Gated_2014-10-24_12.09.49.4626;DAYFORCE\mkharitonov" /format:detailed
Shelveset: Gated_2014-10-24_12.09.49.4626
Owner : DAYFORCE\mkharitonov
Date : Friday, October 24, 2014 12:09:49 AM
Comment :
Adding 1.txt
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf status /shelveset:"Gated_2014-10-24_12.09.49.4626;DAYFORCE\mkharitonov"
File name Change User Shelveset
--------- ------ -------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.txt add DAYFORCE\mkharitonov Gated_2014-10-24_12.09.49.4626
1 change(s)
So far so good - no changes, the file does not exist and the shelveset is ready. Now I am unshelving the shelveset:
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf unshelve "Gated_2014-10-24_12.09.49.4626;DAYFORCE\mkharitonov" /noprompt
opened for add in CANWS212;DAYFORCE\mkharitonov
Unshelving add: 1.txt
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf status /recursive
File name Change Local path
--------- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.txt add D:\TFS\DFGatedCheckInTest2\1.txt
1 change(s)
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> dir 1.txt
Directory: D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 10/24/2014 12:16 AM 0 1.txt
Again, everything is as expected - the status command shows the right pending change and the new file is created. Next I check in the shelveset:
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf checkin /shelveset:"Gated_2014-10-24_12.09.49.4626;DAYFORCE\mkharitonov" /bypass /force
Changeset #105632 checked in.
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> dir 1.txt
Directory: D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 10/24/2014 12:16 AM 0 1.txt
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf history ..\..\..\ /version:T /stopafter:1 /recursive /noprompt
Changeset User Date Comment
--------- ----------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105632 DAYFORCE\mkhar... 10/24/2014 Adding 1.txt
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf shelvesets "Gated_2014-10-24_12.09.49.4626;DAYFORCE\mkharitonov" /format:detailed
No shelvesets found matching Gated_2014-10-24_12.09.49.4626;DAYFORCE\mkharitonov
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2>
Looks good - the file is there, a new changeset is added to the history and the shelveset is deleted.
However, and this part I do not understand, there are still pending changes:
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf status /recursive
File name Change Local path
--------- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.txt add D:\TFS\DFGatedCheckInTest2\1.txt
1 change(s)
Why ???
The only way I see to get rid of this pending change is undo and get the new changeset explicitly:
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf undo /noprompt /recursive .
Undoing add: 1.txt
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> dir 1.txt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Directory: D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 10/24/2014 12:16 AM 0 1.txt
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf status /recursive /noprompt
There are no pending changes.
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf status 1.txt
There are no pending changes.
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf history 1.txt /noprompt
Changeset Change User Date Comment
--------- -------------------------- ----------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105632 add DAYFORCE\mkhar... 10/24/2014 Adding 1.txt
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> tf get /version:C105632
Getting 1.txt
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2> dir 1.txt
Directory: D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-ar-- 10/24/2014 12:44 AM 0 1.txt
PS D:\tfs\DFGatedCheckInTest2>
And here I do not understand another thing. If I have undone the change, then how come 1.txt is still versioned? What am I undoing here?
And getting the new changeset rewrites the file or just changes its last modification time (from 12:16 AM to 12:44 AM), which is equally bad. Indeed, suppose I build a zillion files following the unshelve. Now they will be built again in the next gated check-in, because the last modification timestamps of the source files was bumped up by the tf get
command. (A second tf get /version:C105632
does nothing, of course)
This is awful. I must be confusing things, because it cannot be like this by design.
Please, explain to me what am I getting wrong here.