I have installed jupyter
but want to uninstall it. It however is not possible:
$ pip freeze | grep jupyter
$ pip3 freeze | grep jupyter
$ pip3 uninstall jupyter
Cannot uninstall requirement jupyter, not installed
$ which jupyter
What can I do to remove this jupyter?
After: sudo pip3 uninstall jupyter-client jupyter-console jupyter-core
I have uninstalled this 3 packages however still remaining are (2xTab):
$ jupyter-
jupyter-bundlerextension jupyter-nbconvert jupyter-nbextension jupyter-notebook jupyter-qtconsole jupyter-serverextension jupyter-trust
And pip says they are not there:
$ pip3 freeze | grep jupyter
$ pip freeze | grep jupyter
and when trying to remove any of them I got same eg:
sudo -H pip uninstall jupyter-notebook
Cannot uninstall requirement jupyter-notebook, not installed
So how to remove completelly those packages too?