I have an experiment for my project, basically, I need to embedded some s-expression into the code and make it run, like this,
(define (test lst)
(define num 1)
(define l (list))
`@lst) ; oh, this is not the right way to go.
(define lst
`( (define num2 (add1 num))
(displayln num2)))
I want the test
function be like after test(lst)
in racket code:
(define (test lst)
(define num 1)
(define l (list))
(define num2 (add1 num)
(displayln num2))
How can I do this in racket?
The reason I would like to use eval
or the previous questions is that I am using Z3 racket binding, I need to generate formulas (which uses racket binding APIs), and then I will fire the query at some point, that's when I need to evaluate those code.
I have not figured out other ways to go in my case...
One super simple example is, imagine
(let ([arr (array-alloc 10)])
(array-set! arr 3 4))
I have some model to analyze the constructs (so I am not using racketZ3 directly), during each analyzing point, I will map the data types in the program into the Z3 types, and made some assertions,
I will generate something like:
At allocation site, I will need to make the following formula:
(smt:declare-fun arr_z3 () IntList)
(define len (make-length 10))
Then at the array set site, I will have the following assertions and to check whether the 3 is less then the length
(smt:assert (</s 3 (len arr_z3)))
Then finally, I will gather the formulas generated as above, and wrap them in the form which is able to fire Z3 binding to run the following gathered information as code:
(define len (make-length 10))
(smt:assert (</s 3 (len arr_z3))) (smt:check-sat))
This is the super simple example I can think of... making sense?
side note. Z3 Racket binding will crash for some reason on version 5.3.1, but it mostly can work on version 5.2.1