
How to handle cookies when testing with Webrat?

2019-08-02 11:16发布


I'm writing Cucumber tests for a Sinatra based application using Webrat. For some tests I need to implement a scenario like

Given I am logged in as admin
When I am visiting "/"
Then I should see "Settings" 

I define steps like this:

Given /^I am logged in as "(.+)"$/ do |user|
    visit "/login"
    fill_in "login", :with => user
    fill_in "password", :with => "123456"
    click_button "Login"

When /^I am viewing "(.+)"$/ do |url|

Then /^I should see "(.+)"$/ do |text|
    response_body.should =~ /#{text}/

On success a cookie is created

response.set_cookie(cookie_name, coockie_value)

and then verified in views when user tries to access admin pages via helper method:

def logged_in?
    request.cookies[cookie_name] == cookie_value

And it looks like Webrat doesn't store cookies. Tests don't report any error, but "logged_in?" in views is always false, like the cookie was not saved.

Am I doing something wrong? If this is just how Webrat works, what is the best workaround?


The real problem is the way Sinatra is treating sessions in the test environment. Search the Google group for the discussion, but the real solution is to simply use:

use Rack::Session::Cookie

and not

enable :sessions

Using Selenium is nice but it's overkill as a solution for the OP's problem.


The workaround is use Webrat with Selenium back end. It runs all tests in a separate Firefox window, so cookies or javascript is not a problem. The downside is extra time and resources required to run Firefox and do all the real clicks, rendering etc.


You could have your "Given /^I am logged in" step hack logged_in?:

Given /^I am logged in as "(.+)"$/ do |user|
    visit "/login"
    fill_in "login", :with => user
    fill_in "password", :with => "123456"
    click_button "Login"

    ApplicationController.class_eval <<-EOE
      def current_user
        @current_user ||= User.find_by_name(#{EOE})

There are two downsides:

  1. It's really hackish to mix view-level and controller-level issues like this.
  2. It'll be difficult to mock up "logout"