Good Morning,
I’m having difficulty setting up my HTTPGETs and then testing the solution in Postman.
I’m trying to return a single result on both occasions however when I input the parameters nothing loads. So I'm clearly missing something which i need some help on please.
I have 1 parameter {id} in my CashMovementController and if I navigate to localhost/api/cashmovements/{id} it loads however if pass the {id} parameter in postman it fails.
Then in my BondCreditRatingsController I have 2 parameters {ISIN} & {Date} and again I'm not sure how to approach this.
Love to hear some advice/help on this please
Thanks GWS
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
public class CashMovementsController : Controller
private ICashMovementRepository _cashmovementRepository;
[HttpGet("{id}", Name = "GetCashMovement")]
public IActionResult Get(int id)
CashMovement _cashmovement = _cashmovementRepository.GetSingle(u => u.CashMovementId == id);
if (_cashmovement != null)
CashMovementViewModel _cashmovementVM = Mapper.Map<CashMovement, CashMovementViewModel>(_cashmovement);
return new OkObjectResult(_cashmovementVM);
return NotFound();
public class BondCreditRatingsController : Controller
private IBondCreditRatingRepository _bondcreditratingRepository;
public BondCreditRatingsController(IBondCreditRatingRepository bondcreditratingRepository)
_bondcreditratingRepository = bondcreditratingRepository;
[HttpGet("{id}", Name = "GetBondCreditRating")]
public IActionResult Get(string id, DateTime efffectivedate)
BondCreditRating _bondcreditrating = _bondcreditratingRepository.GetSingle(u => u.ISIN == id, u => u.EffectiveDate == efffectivedate);
if (_bondcreditrating != null)
BondCreditRatingViewModel _bondcreditratingVM = Mapper.Map<BondCreditRating, BondCreditRatingViewModel>(_bondcreditrating);
return new OkObjectResult(_bondcreditratingVM);
return NotFound();