When I am using Instagram sharing then how can I get username and password from Instagram (current login user).
$app = new UEApp(self::APP_SECRET, self::APP_SECRET);
$user = new UEUser($this->currentUser->unification_userkey, $this->currentUser->unification_usersecret);
$con = $access_token."@instagram.com/?username=rajneesh49&password=test&@instagram.com";
Now I am using static password and username then its working fine but How can I get current username and password(required filed by unification engine)
username and password both are required fields by unification engine.
How can I get this password and username in php code for unification engine sharing.
Authentication only provide this information
[access_token] => 4544942713.7da612b.4de7a5a78fba2b27a60dc1749d
[user] => Array
[id] => 45434542713
[username] => rajneesh8469
[profile_picture] => https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-19/s150x150/16229522_1877141895853233_7596497588304478208_a
[full_name] => Rajneesh
[bio] => Testing website
[website] => http://localhost:3000/
But only password is missing so how can I get current user password.