
AS3放大和缩小,其中在鼠标点击登记不(AS3 zooming in and out where m

2019-08-02 08:50发布

我想有进出与点击双击鼠标事件屏蔽的鼠标全景图像缩放。 我到缩放图像,但它总是会放大左缘的注册点,不是我点击。 我完全不知道如何编写这一点,并花了整整一天的互联网尝试,没有运气弄明白的。 我希望有人能帮助我想出解决办法!

import com.greensock.*;//Greensock Tweening Platform.

var percX:Number;
var percY:Number;
var destX:Number;
var destY:Number;

//Image panned and masked
this.mask = mask_mc;
function mousemove(e:MouseEvent) {
    if (mask_mc.hitTestPoint(stage.mouseX,stage.mouseY,false)) {
        if (imgLoader.width>mask_mc.width) {//Avoids Scrolling if image is under mask area width
            percX = mask_mc.mouseX/mask_mc.width;
        if (imgLoader.height>mask_mc.height) {//Avoids Scrolling if image is under mask area height
            percY = mask_mc.mouseY/mask_mc.height;
        destX = -(imgLoader.width-mask_mc.width)*percX;
        destY = -(imgLoader.height-mask_mc.height)*percY;
//Add listeners for the imgLoader movie clip.
imgLoader.doubleClickEnabled = true;  
imgLoader.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, increaseSize);
imgLoader.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, decreaseSize);

//This function increases the scale of the image
function increaseSize(event:MouseEvent):void{
TweenLite.to(imgLoader, 1, {scaleX:2, scaleY:2});

//This function decreases the scale of the image
function decreaseSize(event:MouseEvent):void{
TweenLite.to(imgLoader, 1, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1});

Answer 1:



function scaleAroundMouse(objectToScale:DisplayObject, scaleAmount:Number, bounds:Rectangle = null, onComplete:Function = null):TweenLite {
    // scaling will be done relatively
    var relScaleX:Number = scaleAmount / objectToScale.scaleX;
    var relScaleY:Number = scaleAmount / objectToScale.scaleY;
    // map vector to centre point within parent scope

    var scalePoint:Point = objectToScale.localToGlobal( new Point(objectToScale.mouseX, objectToScale.mouseY));
    scalePoint = objectToScale.parent.globalToLocal( scalePoint );
    // current registered postion AB
    var AB:Point = new Point( objectToScale.x, objectToScale.y );
    // CB = AB - scalePoint, objectToScale vector that will scale as it runs from the centre
    var CB:Point = AB.subtract( scalePoint );
    CB.x *= relScaleX;
    CB.y *= relScaleY;
    // recaulate AB, objectToScale will be the adjusted position for the clip
    AB = scalePoint.add( CB );
    // set actual properties

     var limits:Rectangle = new Rectangle(
        bounds.x + (bounds.width - (objectToScale.width * relScaleX)),
        bounds.y + (bounds.height - (objectToScale.height * relScaleY)),
        (objectToScale.width * relScaleX) - bounds.width,
        (objectToScale.height * relScaleY) - bounds.height

     if(AB.x < limits.x) AB.x = limits.x;
     if(AB.x > limits.x + limits.width) AB.x = limits.x + limits.width;
     if(AB.y < limits.y) AB.y = limits.y;
     if(AB.y > limits.y + limits.height) AB.y = limits.y + limits.height;       

    return TweenLite.to(objectToScale,1,{onComplete: onComplete, scaleX: scaleAmount, scaleY: scaleAmount, x: AB.x, y: AB.y);


function increaseSize(event:MouseEvent):void{
    scaleAroundMouse(imgLoader, 2, null, resumeMouseMove);

function decreaseSize(event:MouseEvent):void{
    scaleAroundMouse(imgLoader, 1, null, resumeMouseMove);

function stopMouseMove():void {

function resumeMouseMove():void {

我还添加了一个边界参数的功能。 如果您不希望您的边缘内容是规则范围内,可见这是非常有用的。 所以,如果你可以通过传递你的面具的功能的范围使用它:

scaleAroundMouse(imgLoader, 1, myMask.getBounds(this));

Answer 2:

本例中使用的变焦效果类,可以帮助实现你正在寻找的变焦效果http://graphics-geek.blogspot.com/2010/06/video-image-zoom-effect-in-flex-4.html 。

Answer 3:

var mat:Matrix=new Matrix();

这是从一个问题我张贴大约一个月前服用。 你可以看到它在这里 。 虽然我最终没有与该特定片段去(其实我的剧本LondongDrugs_MediaServ发布修改后的版本去),它会工作,更容易理解和执行。

文章来源: AS3 zooming in and out where mouse clicked not at registration