如何使用接受修身所有REST URI的排序和分页参数?(How to accept sorting

2019-08-02 08:38发布

我使用的是修身PHP框架来创建我的应用程序一个RESTful API。 我想所有的URL能够接受排序和分页参数。 谁能告诉我做这件事的最佳方式?

此外,有人可以给我提供一些适当的休息URI来呢? (即http://domain.com/api/category/fruit/?sort=DESC&results=25&page=2 )


require 'Slim/Slim.php';

$sort = "ASC";
$results = 10;
$page = 1;

$app = new Slim();

$app->get('/wines',  function () use ($app) {
  $sort = $app->request()->params('sort');
  $results = $app->request()->params('results');
  $page = $app->request()->params('page');


$app->get('/categories',  function () use ($app) {
  $sort = $app->request()->params('sort');
  $results = $app->request()->params('results');
  $page = $app->request()->params('page');


$app->get('/sub-categories',  function () use ($app) {
  $sort = $app->request()->params('sort');
  $results = $app->request()->params('results');
  $page = $app->request()->params('page');



function getWines() {
  $sql = "select * FROM wine ORDER BY name " . $sort . " LIMIT " . $page . " , $results";
  try {
    $db = getConnection();
    $stmt = $db->query($sql);  
    $wines = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
    $db = null;
    echo '{"wine": ' . json_encode($wines) . '}';
  } catch(PDOException $e) {
    echo '{"error":{"text":'. $e->getMessage() .'}}'; 


Answer 1:

有很多方法来解决这个问题,我会建议使用模板方法模式 ,让你定义在父类中的常见行为,以及如何在子类的具体细节。

abstract class SortPageHandler {
  public function getUrlHandler($app) 
    $me = $this;
    return function () use ($app, $me) {
      $sort = $app->request()->params('sort');
      $results = $app->request()->params('results');
      $page = $app->request()->params('page');

      $app->response()->write($me->getItems($sort, $results, $page));

  abstract public function getItems($sort, $results, $page);

class WineHandler extends SortPageHandler {
  public function getItems($sort, $results, $page) 
    //return wines


class CategoryHandler extends SortPageHandler {
  public function getItems($sort, $results, $page) 
    //return categories

class SubCategoryHandler extends SortPageHandler {
  public function getItems($sort, $results, $page) 
    //return sub-categories

因此,父类SortPageHandler处理与需要修身的功能和分页和排序的公共部分。 每个getItems()方法是特定于每个实体。 通过声明这种方法abstractSortPageHandler我们强制所有子类来实现这个功能。


$app = new \Slim\Slim();

$wineHandler = new WineHandler();
$categoryHandler = new CategoryHandler();
$subCategoryHandler = new SubCategoryHandler();

$app->get('/wines', $wineHandler->getUrlHandler($app));
$app->get('/categories', $categoryHandler->getUrlHandler($app));
$app->get('/sub-categories', $subCategoryHandler->getUrlHandler($app));



文章来源: How to accept sorting and pagination parameters in all REST URIs using Slim?