When I'm using other "groupable" row template doesn't work in the kendo grid But before there was no problem and now how to use the grouping together of row template
I put the code I wrote in a review do
jsfiddle :
Click here to check with jsfiddle
$(document).ready(function () {
var ds = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
url: '/api/clientssnapshot',
dataType: 'json',
type: 'get'
dataSource: ds,
sortable: true,
groupable: true,
selectable: true,
navigatable: true,
height: 500,
scrollable: true,
rowTemplate: kendo.template($("#client-row-template").html().replace('class="k-alt"', '')),
altRowTemplate: kendo.template($("#client-row-template").html()),//@class="k-alt"@
dataBound: function () {
$('.spark').sparkline([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 85, 2, 1]);
//$('.spark').each(function (i, e) {
// var $this = $(this);
// //console.info($this.attr('data-inrate'));
// var arr = eval('[' + $this.attr('data-inrate') + ']');
// console.log(this);
// $this.sparkline(arr);
<body class="menu_hover">
<script id="client-row-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<tr role="row" class="k-alt">
<td role="gridcell" >#= Mac #</td>
<td role="gridcell" >#= RadioName #</td>
<td role="gridcell" > <a href="http://#= ApIp #" target="_blank">#=ApName#</a> </td>
<td role="gridcell" > <a href="http://#= RemoteIp #" target="_blank">#=RemoteIp#</a> </td>
<td role="gridcell" > <a href=#"#= AccountingId #" target="_blank" > #= AccountingName # </a> </td>
<td role="gridcell" >#= TX #</td>
<td role="gridcell" >#= RX #</td>
<td role="gridcell" >#= Signal #</td>
<td role="gridcell" >#= Uptime #</td>
<td role="gridcell">
<span class="spark" data-inrate="#= InRateHistory #" > </span>
<div class="span6 box gradient main_stting">
<div class="dataTables_filter" id="txtSearch">
<input type="text" aria-controls="DataTables_Table_0"></label>
<div class="title">
<div class="content">
<table class="table">
<!-- Mac -->
<col style="width: 170px">
<col style="width: 150px">
<col style="width: 80px">
<col style="width: 160px">
<col style="width: 130px">
<col style="width: 44px">
<col style="width: 50px">
<col style="width: 50px">
<col style="width: 78px">
<!-- Usage -->
<!-- <col style="width: 100px" />-->
<th>Remote IP</th>