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Can a Windows PC act as a Bluetooth beacon?
2 answers
As my knowing, the Bluetooth low energy (BLE) is supported in(above) Windows 8.
But I do not have any cue about how to code a iBeacon scanner in Windows.
Is there are any example or reference mentioning about it?
That behavior is like most iBeacon detectors/scanners app in Android/iOS.
Thank your attention.
Windows currently doesn't support scanning or acting as iBeacon(s) nativly. However, you have some options:
- Use a VM that runs linux with BlueZ stack
- Use a RaspberryPI as 'detector' that hosts a WebAPI interface to your Windows machine
- Change the driver of you Bluetooth 4.0 dongle to libusb and write your own HCI layer + BLE stack, for working with iBeacons only a very small portion of the stack is needed (I've done it before and it works perfectly)
- Wait for Windows 10