Excel: Conditional probabilities of winning a tieb

2019-08-02 04:27发布


I have been reading the following paper (http://strategicgames.com.au/PhD.pdf - page 21-22) and I am attempting to reproduce table 2.5 and 2.3 on page 23 in Excel.

Formulas for the calculation:

My Excel output:

I used the following steps to calculate the values.

  1. Firstly I calculated the value 0.52 using the 3rd formula above - 0.62*(1-0.60)/(0.62*(1-0.60)+(1-0.62)*0.60)
  2. Secondly I calculate the value 0.80 using the 1st formula above - =($E$1*C8)+($G$1*D7) and then copy and paste this formula into the other cells.

Where am I going wrong calculating the table values?

I should be receiving the following answer based on the paper's table.

Excel implementation using solution below


If you are going to use those formulas, then as the paper says, you need to use two tables, P_A and P_B.

Your calculation assumed that player A is on serve until someone reaches 7 or the score is (6,6). This incorrectly gives a big advantage to player A.

You can use a single table that is neither P_A nor P_B in the paper, but instead an interlaced version that I will call P_C that gives the probability that player A wins at a given score assuming that player A serves first, and thus at scores (a,b) where a+b mod 4 is 0 or 3.

P_C(a,b) = p_A * P_C(a+1,b) + (1-p_A) * P_C(a,b+1) when a+b mod 4 is 0 or 3.
P_C(a,b) = (1-p_B) * P_C(a+1,b) + p_B * P_C(a,b+1) when a+b mod 4 is 1 or 2.
P_C(6,6) = p_A * (1-p_B)/(p_A * (1-p_B) + p_B * (1-p_A)).
P_C(7,_) = 1.
P_C(_,7) = 0.