I'm in the middle of writing a World of Warcraft addon and I want the addon to be able to perform certain functions based on a key press or a combination of key presses. Most of the key states are protected WoW API functions now but the following are still able to be used by addons:
What I'd like to be able to do is perform a function based on any one of those keys down or a combination there of.
This is what I've got working:
function KeyCombos()
total = 0
if IsShiftKeyDown() then
total = total + 1
if IsControlKeyDown() then
total = total + 2
if IsAltKeyDown() then
total = total + 4
Now my question isn't necessarily about Lua, as the above function is working as I can check if total equals 6 for example to see if Control and Alt are both pressed. My question is more of an algorithmic one. Is there a better way to perform this programmaticly?
If you are going to use a table, in the general case it would be much better to keep the same table.
function KeyCombos()
keys = keys or {}
keys.shift = IsShiftKeyDown()
keys.control = IsControlKeyDown()
keys.alt = IsAltKeyDown()
or, if you rather
function KeyCombos()
if not keys then
keys = {}
keys.shift = IsShiftKeyDown()
keys.control = IsControlKeyDown()
keys.alt = IsAltKeyDown()
The original example in the question, however, is much more performant using integer math.
However these examples all create globals. So:
function GetKeyCombos()
local keys = 0
if IsShiftKeyDown() then
keys = keys + 1
if IsControlKeyDown() then
keys = keys + 2
if IsAltKeyDown() then
keys = keys + 4
return keys
would be much better. In WoW all AddOns share the same global environment so its best to keep it clean.
Seems pretty sound to me already.
As an alternative, however, you could use a table:
function KeyCombos()
keys = {
shift = IsShiftKeyDown(),
control = IsControlKeyDown(),
alt = IsAltKeyDown(),
Then you could call keys.alt
or keys["alt"]
to see if it's pressed.
More readable? Probably. More efficient? Not likely. But I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to Lua's performance.
I would just add a comment block above the KeyCombos
function stating every possible combination and what it means.
As a side note, it's Lua, not LUA.