How to specify gradle build execution order

2019-08-02 03:59发布


My project structure is :

--Root project
  -- child 1
  * build.gradle
  * settings.gradle
  -- child 2
  * build.gradle
  * settings.gradle
  -- child 3
  * build.gradle
  * settings.gradle

Child 1 is dependent on jar file of child 2. Following is my build.gradle

group = 'com.test.test'
description = """project1"""
compile project(':project2')

Settings.gradle = 'project1'
include ":Project2"
project(":Project2").projectDir = file("../Project2")

Is there any possibility in gradle to mention that project 2 should be executed before project1 and i can access project 2's dependency using something like

compile group: 'com.test.test', name: 'project2', version:'1.0'

Note: I am using Maven plugin in my gradle file. So I hope the dependency of project 2 will be updated in .m2 folder and can be accessed by project 1


Your settings.gradle file has to be in your Root folder. It will include your 3 child projects.

include ":child 1"
include ":child 2"
include ":child 3"

Remove all settings.gradle from all your child project. Your child projects are considered as being a "module" of your single root "project".

New project structure :

--Root project
* build.gradle
* settings.gradle
  -- child 1
  * build.gradle
  -- child 2
  * build.gradle
  -- child 3
  * build.gradle

Then in your child project, you can specify the dependencies as your are already doing

project child 1 :

    compile project(':child 2')

It will compile "child 2" first, and then "child 1"

Depending on how you are configuring maven plugin for your projects, you will be able to publish your artifacts with a pom.xml generated with your dependencies.

标签: gradle groovy