I have a table of orders and I want to give users a unique code for an order whilst hiding the incrementing identity integer primary key because I don't want to give away how many orders have been made.
One easy way of making sure the codes are unique is to use the primary key to determine the code.
So how can I transform an integer into a friendly, say, eight alpha numeric code such that every code is unique?
Assuming the total number of orders being created isn't going to get anywhere near the total number of identifiers in your pool, a reasonably effective technique is to simply generate a random identifier and see if it is used already; continue generating new identifiers until you find one not previously used.
The easiest way (if you want an alpha numeric code) is to convert the integer primary key to HEX (like below). And, you can Use `PadLeft()' to make sure the string has 8 characters. But, when the number of orders grow, 8 characters will not be enough.
var uniqueCode = intPrimaryKey.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0');
Or, you can create an offset of your primary key, before converting it to HEX, like below:
var uniqueCode = (intPrimaryKey + 999).ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0');
A quick and easy way to do this is to have a guid column that has a default value of
This solution will generally give you a unique value for each row. But if you have extremely large amounts of orders this will not be unique and you should use just the newid() value to generate the guid.
I would just use MD5 for this. MD5 offers enough "uniqueness" for a small subset of integers that represent your customer orders.
For an example see this answer. You will need to adjust input parameter from string to int (or alternatively just call ToString
on your number and use the code as-is).
If you would like something that would be difficult to trace and you don;t mind it being 16 characters, you could use something like this that includes some random numbers and mixes the byte positions of the original input with them: (EDITED to make a bit more untraceable, by XOR-ing with the generated random numbers).
public static class OrderIdRandomizer
private static readonly Random _rnd = new Random();
public static string GenerateFor(int orderId)
var rndBytes = new byte[4];
var bytes = new byte[]
(byte)(((byte)(orderId >> 8)) ^ rndBytes[0]),
(byte)(((byte)(orderId >> 24)) ^ rndBytes[1]),
(byte)(((byte)(orderId >> 16)) ^ rndBytes[2]),
(byte)(((byte)(orderId)) ^ rndBytes[3]),
return string.Concat(bytes.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")));
public static int ReconstructFrom(string generatedId)
if (generatedId == null || generatedId.Length != 16)
throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid generated order id");
var bytes = new byte[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
bytes[i] = byte.Parse(generatedId.Substring(i * 2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
return (int)(
((bytes[2] ^ bytes[3]) << 24) |
((bytes[4] ^ bytes[5]) << 16) |
((bytes[1] ^ bytes[0]) << 8) |
((bytes[6] ^ bytes[7])));
var obfuscatedId = OrderIdRandomizer.GenerateFor(123456);
Disadvantage: If the algorithm is know, it is obviously easy to break.
Advantage: It is completely custom, i.e. not an established algorithm like MD5 that might be easier to guess/crack if you do not know what algorithm is being used.