After researching on the web, i´m facing a problem on adding a title into my grid, so my code is:
.html file:
<div id="idGridTiposQuartos" class="gridtiposquartos js-var-grid-tipos-quartos"><div id="gridTiposQuartos"></div></div>
.js file:
$("#idBtnQuartos").attr("disabled", false);
$(".k-grid-toolbar", "#gridTiposQuartos").before("<h1>hello</h1>");
$(".k-grid-toolbar", "#gridTiposQuartos").after("<h1>hello</h1>");
(some more code)
dataSource: dataSource,
display: "{0} - {1} / {2} items",
empty: "0 items",
page: "Page",
of: "of {0}", //{0} is total amount of pages
itemsPerPage: "items per page",
first: "Go to the first page",
previous: "Go to the previous page",
next: "Go to the next page",
last: "Go to the last page",
refresh: "Refresh"
serverPaging: true,
height: 460,
toolbar:[{name: "create",text: $varGridQuartosBtnNovoPT},{name: "close",text: "X"}],
columns:[{ field:"Nome", title: "Nome" },{ field: "Preco", title:"Preço", format: "{0:c}", width: "100px" },
{command:[{ name: "edit",text:{edit:$varGridQuartosBtnEditarPT,update:$varGridQuartosBtnActualizarPT,cancel:$varGridQuartosBtnCancelarPT}},{ name: "destroy",text:$varGridQuartosBtnApagarPT }],title:" ",width: "230px"}],
editable : {mode : "popup",
window : {title: "Editar",}
(the rest of the code)
I think i have posted the necessary code to show my problem, so my question is, what am i missing here?. any help? thanks.