I have the following tag in a webpage:
<a target="PARENT" href="/bin-din/WebOb/mom.ko/6/wo/asaksdaksjd
/">View Data Set</a>
How can I lookup this element in Rselenium? For example if my current session is saved in remDr, what should I search for:
webElem <- remDr$findElement(??)
I need to search the element using it's display link (View Data Set) since the href link changes over time.
Thanks much for your help
fileUrl <- ("http:\\wherever you got your file")
doc <- htmlTreeParse(fileUrl, useInternal=T)
xpathSApply(doc, "//a[@href]", xmlGetAttr, "href")
fileUrl <- "http://kimkardashianonline.org/"
doc <- htmlTreeParse(fileUrl, useInternal=T)
xpathSApply(doc, "//a[@href]", xmlGetAttr, "href")
[1] "http://kimkardashianonline.org/?page_id=2"
[2] "http://www.kimkardashianonline.org/gallery/"
[3] "http://www.kimkardashianonline.org/icons/"
[4] "http://#"
[5] "http://kimkardashianonline.org/?page_id=42"
In the answer by @plafort the [@href] was not needed unless you knew ahead of time what you wanted to set the href attribute value to. So here is a general way forward. This works for this url request. Obviously '_blank' isn't what you'd want.
gSite <- getURL("http://www.sitepoint.com/web-foundations/target-html-attribute/")
sParse <- htmlParse(gSite)
xpathSApply(sParse, "//a[@target='_blank']", xmlGetAttr, "href")
You can use : webElem$getElementAttribute("href")