
Spark Cassandra NoClassDefFoundError guava/cache/C

2019-08-02 02:25发布


Running Cassandra 2.2.8, Win7, JDK8, Spark2, HAve thse in the CP: Cassandra core 3.12, spark-cassandra-2.11, Spark-cassandra-java-2.11, Spark2.11, spark-network-common_2.11, Guava-16.0.jar, sacala2.11.jar, etc Trying to run a basic example- compiles fine, but when when I try to run- at the first line itself get error: SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/spark_project/guava/cache/CacheLoader

Missing spark-network-common is supposed to cause this error - but I do have it. Any conflicting jars? Thanks


So the answer is: don't exactly know the answer but the problem was solved. Used the the pom and created a maven project in eclipse. it brought in several (dozen) jars and it finally worked. So likely some conflicting/missing jar - tried to look into it- hard to figure out.