I have a Userform in Access. In my Userform I have a ComboBox with 3 option: A, B and C. Based on there values, I would like to hide/unhide Text boxes. This is the scenario:
When i select A i want to automatically do the following.
* Show text box 1
* Hide text box 2
When B
* Hide textbox 1
* Show textbox 2
When C
* Show textbox 1
* Show textbox 2
How can this be done?
What you want is to make use of the After Update event of the ComboBox, which will say the logic of what needs to be done when. Something like,
Private Sub comboBoxName_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Me.comboBoxName
Case "A"
Me.textBox1Name.Visible = True
Me.textBox2Name.Visible = False
Case "B"
Me.textBox1Name.Visible = False
Me.textBox2Name.Visible = True
Case Else
'Case "C" is also valid
Me.textBox1Name.Visible = True
Me.textBox2Name.Visible = True
End Select
End Sub