
Local or Private NPM module when deploying to Hero

2019-08-01 22:01发布


I have a node app that has a local npm module npm link ./local and I'm trying to deploy the app to heroku. Heroku runs npm install when I deploy, but npm link's aren't saved in package.json so my local module is missing.

I'm new to heroku and Procfiles, I'd like to run a script or just run npm link ./local before on the heroku box.

Alternatively I could put the module on github as a private repository and link it from there. But as far as I know Heroku isn't able to download private repo. Can I give Heroku access to my github repository via keys so that it could download it?

I'd love for somekind of solution! Anything!


I think you need yo put modules in node_modules folder and push that to heroku

Procfiles are easy to maintain and heroku will read that

I have sample Procfile like

web: bin/hubot -a campfire

Even heroku also says that best is to include node_modules into repo so you can just include your local packages into that.

See more here Heroku Node Deploy