How to get code as string between {}
of arrow function ?
var myFn=(arg1,..,argN)=>{
*Want to parse
* ONLY which is between { and }
* of arrow function
If it is easy to parse body of simple function : myFn.toString().match(/function[^{]+\{([\s\S]*)\}$/)[1];
is enough . However, Arrow function does not contains function
keyword in its definition .
This is my attempt:
function getArrowFunctionBody(f) {
const matches = f.toString().match(/^(?:\s*\(?(?:\s*\w*\s*,?\s*)*\)?\s*?=>\s*){?([\s\S]*)}?$/);
if (!matches) {
return null;
const firstPass = matches[1];
// Needed because the RegExp doesn't handle the last '}'.
const secondPass =
(firstPass.match(/{/g) || []).length === (firstPass.match(/}/g) || []).length - 1 ?
firstPass.slice(0, firstPass.lastIndexOf('}')) :
return secondPass;
const K = (x) => (y) => x;
const I = (x) => (x);
const V = (x) => (y) => (z) => z(x)(y);
const f = (a, b) => {
const c = a + b;
return c;
const empty = () => { return undefined; };
It's probably more verbose than it needs to be because I tried to be generous about white space. Also, I'd be glad to hear if anyone knows how to skip the second pass. Finally, I decided not to do any trimming, leaving that to the caller.
Currently only handles simple function parameters. You'll also need a browser that natively supports arrow functions.