I'm trying to get around a resharper warning about unused variables.
Here is my current function:
self.contentDimensions = _i.ko.computed(function () {
var fakeVarToFireComputed = self.contentSize() + self.ListLength();
var firstEl = _i.$(itemSelector, self.viewRef()).first();
if (firstEl.length > 0) {
return {
width: firstEl.outerWidth(true),
height: firstEl.outerHeight(true) };
} else {
return self.contentDimensions();
}, this, { deferEvaluation: true });
But since fakeVarToFireComputed isn't used, it throws a warning.
Here is what I've come up with:
self.contentDimensions = _i.ko.computed(function () {
var fakeVarToFireComputed = self.contentSize() + self.ListLength();
var firstEl = _i.$(itemSelector, self.viewRef()).first();
if (firstEl.length > 0) {
return {
width: firstEl.outerWidth(true),
height: firstEl.outerHeight(true),
fake: fakeVarToFireComputed
} else {
return self.contentDimensions();
}, this, { deferEvaluation: true });
This gets rid of the warning, but is there a better way?
I tried searching for ways to include observables in a computed, but can't find a way unless you are actually using the value. I am also not really seeing a way to rewrite this as some subscribes.