I have several interfaces, e.g. IA, IB, IC, and so on, that share common properties, e.g. Site. I would like to know how to reuse code for these interfaces (please save me the answer on COM aggregation).
Current implementation is as follows:
class CA
// ATL specific...
STDMETHODIMP get_Site(...) {...}
STDMETHODIMP put_Site(...) {...}
class BA
// ATL specific...
STDMETHODIMP get_Site(...) {...}
STDMETHODIMP put_Site(...) {...}
class CC
// ATL specific...
STDMETHODIMP get_Site(...) {...}
STDMETHODIMP put_Site(...) {...}
What I want to achieve (but cannot) is as follows.
template<typename T>
class SharedProperties
STDMETHODIMP get_Site(...) {...}
STDMETHODIMP put_Site(...) {...}
class CA :
// ATL specific...
// properties are inherited and are accessible from IC
class BA
// ATL specific...
// properties are inherited and are accessible from IB
class CC
// ATL specific...
// properties are inherited and are accessible from IA
I came across this idea after reading up (http://vcfaq.mvps.org/com/7.htm) but the site does not have a working example and no matter how much I tried I could not get it to work. I keep getting "Cannot instantiate abstract class" because the pure virtual functions get_Site and put_Site are not implemented (as per the second snippet).
EDIT Do note that I am using VS2010. Sample implementation below:
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CArticle :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CArticle, &CLSID_Article>,
public IDispatchImpl<IArticle, &IID_IArticle, &LIBID_GeodeEdiLib, /*wMajor =*/ 1, /*wMinor =*/ 0>