I am trying to make a small messaging system with scala. I can`t figure out how to solve this class/type/generics/hierarchy problem on line with //PROBLEM
The logic is: Request has a list of functions to invoke with the response when arrives. When Response arrives getResult is invoked and pattern matching is used. It seems that I cannot invoke the functions from list on Request which can be overloaded by any subtype of Response ?
object Worksheet {
class Request {
//var op = List[( _<:Response ) => Unit]()
var op = List[Response => Unit]() // FIXED
class Response {}
class MyResult extends Response {}
class AnotherMyResult extends Response {}
val map = Map[String, Request]()
def getResult(a:Any) {
a match {
case r:Response =>
//map.get("").get.op foreach ((o) => o(r)) //PROBLEM
map("").op foreach ((o) => o(r)) //NO PROBLEM
Please help ;)
def simpleop (r:MyResult) : Unit = { }
def req = new Request()
req.op += simpleop _ //PROBLEM STILL
map += ("" -> req)