Objective-C can't use stringWithContentsOfURL

2019-08-01 08:46发布


Hey, I'm trying to ping my server and check the version of the app - all goes well so far:

 NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://thetalkingcloud.com/static/ping_desktop_app.php?v=1.1"];
  NSError *theNetworkError;
  NSString *content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:&theNetworkError];
  //make sure something was returned
  if (!content) {
   //didn't connect
   //my code that goes here is all fine and works
  } else {
//there was some content returned by the server
//this NSLog prints out the expected data ('success' without the quotes)
   NSLog(@"server returned data: >|%@|<", content);
//neither of these two EVER become true, even when the server DOES return success or update
   //connected, check what the server returned
   if (content == @"success") {
    NSLog(@"all went perfect");
   } else if (content == @"update") {
    NSLog(@"version error");

The IF statements aren't working for some reason, can anyone help me out please? Thanks.


You are not checking the contents of content with your current conditional statement, you are checking to see if it is a valid object/pointer and not nil, which it is (valid) since you've just declared it.

Use NSString's length method and test for 0 (or isEqualToString:)

Also see this previous question for another alternative.


Use the isEqualToString: method, not pointer equality (==).