如何使用GD库来调整​​BMP,TIFF图像? 并且还提到关于ImageMagick的,这是很好

2019-08-01 09:18发布


Answer 1:

我喜欢ImageMagick的更好。 但我知道GD这是相当不错了。


      if(!extension_loaded('imagick')) {
      $img = strip_tags($_GET['imagename']);
      if(isset($_GET['size'])) {
         $size = strip_tags($_GET['size']);
      } else {
         $size = 0;
      if(isset($_GET['vsize'])) {
         $vsize = strip_tags($_GET['vsize']);
      } else {
         $vsize = 0;
      $image = new Imagick($img);
      $image->thumbnailImage($size, $vsize);
      header("Content-type: image/png");
      print $image;

这就是我从例子中的链接。 只是复制它有它的权利的问题。 所有学分去谁写它的人。

Answer 2:

“更好”是一种主观的术语。 许多调整算法可以在更高的处理时间为代价提供更好的质量。 所以决定要(品质好,或快速响应时间)什么属性,并期待在每个库的结果。

Answer 3:

只有可用来调整图像重采样算法,数量有限。 问哪个程序是更好意味着,如果该计划实现了更好的算法,则程序被认为是“好”。

Answer 4:

下面是一个thumbnailer的我在PHP中写道。 我已经剥离出来的是添加阴影和边框位(不认为我已经打破,但没有测试)。 它使用PHP中的GD库,我一直对结果满意。

注意:您或许可以去掉更多的 - 例如,它设置缩略图的背景色,以便它匹配的页面背景,等等。



唯一的小问题是,与大文件(从现代数码相机即质量非常高),它可以有内存问题。 虽然我很少打这个问题 - 通常是任何大小不能由用户上传的Web服务器不会允许它。


$defaultsize = 400;
$defaultimage = "images/error.jpg";

ini_set("memory_limit", "32M");

$red    =   isset($_REQUEST['r']) ? $_REQUEST['r'] : 255;
$green  =   isset($_REQUEST['g']) ? $_REQUEST['g'] : 255;
$blue   =   isset($_REQUEST['b']) ? $_REQUEST['b'] : 255;

if(!isset($_REQUEST['size'])) {
} else {

if(!isset($_REQUEST['image'])) {
    $picurl = $defaultimage;
} else {
    $picurl = "../" . stripslashes($_REQUEST['image']);

//Find out about source file
$srcDetails = @getimagesize($picurl);
if($srcDetails) {
} else {

if($srcWidth/$srcHeight < $maxWidth/$maxHeight) {
//Too wide
    $width = $maxHeight / $srcHeight * $srcWidth;
    $height = $maxHeight / $srcHeight * $srcHeight;
} else {
//Too tall
    $width = $maxWidth / $srcWidth * $srcWidth;
    $height = $maxWidth / $srcWidth * $srcHeight;

switch ($srcDetails[2]) {
case 1: //GIF
    $srcImage = ImagecreateFromGIF($picurl);

case 2: //JPEG
    $srcImage = ImagecreateFromJPEG($picurl);

case 3: //PNG
    $srcImage = ImagecreateFromPNG($picurl);

case 6: //WBMP
    $srcImage = ImagecreateFromWBMP($picurl);

    //Possibly add some "Unknown File Type" error code here. However, if we do't return an image, we will error nicely later anyway

if(@!$srcImage) {
    // The nice error for no source image (include error mail to yourself here if you want...)

    $srcImage  = imagecreate($maxWidth, $maxHeight); /* Create a blank image */
    $bgc = imagecolorallocate($srcImage, 255, 255, 255);
    $tc  = imagecolorallocate($srcImage, 0, 0, 0);
    imagefilledrectangle($srcImage, 0, 0, 150, 30, $bgc);
    /* Output an errmsg */
    imagestring($srcImage, 4, 5, 5, "Error resizing image", $tc);
    imagestring($srcImage, 4, 5, 20, "Tech support department", $tc);
    imagestring($srcImage, 4, 5, 35, "has been informed", $tc);

//Create thumbnail
$thumb = imagecreatetruecolor ($width, $height);
$bg = ImageColorAllocate($thumb, $red, $green, $blue);
imagefill ($thumb, 0, 0, $bg);

//Add the image itself
Imagecopyresized ($thumb, $srcImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $srcWidth, $srcHeight);

//Add a black border
imageline($thumb, 0, 0, 0, $height, $black);
imageline($thumb, 0, 0, $width, 0, $black);
imageline($thumb, 0, $height, $width, $height, $black);
imageline($thumb, $width, $height, $width, 0, $black);

//output header
//I leave this so late so if there ARE any errors, they are displayed as text not a broken image
//(this will happen when looking at the thumnailer directly but will display as a broken image in a webpage still)
header("Content-type: image/PNG");


//Clear up memory


文章来源: how to resize bmp,tiff image using gd library ? and also mention about imagemagick which is good to use [closed]
标签: php php4