saxon:indent-spaces attribute is being ignored

2019-08-01 08:56发布


In my question here I'm trying to pass in a param to my stylesheet so a user can specify the level of indentation desired. Apparently Xalan cannot read the value of a param into its indent-amount attribute, so I'm trying with this version of Saxon-HE instead.

Saxon has the attribute indent-spaces which I am trying to use as follows:


    <!-- <xsl:param name="indent-spaces" select="0"/> -->

    <xsl:output indent="yes" method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes" saxon:indent-spaces="10"/><!-- Doesn't matter what I make the value of indent-spaces, the output is always indented 3 spaces -->

Why is indent-spaces being ignored?


The namespace should be xmlns:saxon="" instead of xmlns:saxon="".


First, all Saxon extensions require Saxon-PE or higher.

Second, if you want to control serialization parameters dynamically (e.g. from a stylesheet parameter, you can do this using xsl:result-document:

<xsl:result-document indent="yes" saxon:indent-spaces="{$param}">

标签: xslt saxon