If I have a time variable in Ruby, how could I say that it refers to an event that happened one of the following:
"x minutes ago" or "x hours ago" or "x days ago"
Obviously if something happened 2 days ago, I would not want to say it happened such-and-such minutes ago.
Here's the language agnostic version which you should be able to convert into any language:
ONE_MONTH = ONE_DAY * 3652425 / 120000
ONE_YEAR = ONE_DAY * 3652425 / 10000
def when(then):
seconds_ago = now() - then
if seconds_ago < 0:
return "at some point in the future (???)"
if seconds_ago == 0:
return "now"
if seconds_ago == 1:
return "1 second ago"
if seconds_ago < ONE_MINUTE:
return str(seconds_ago) + " seconds ago"
if seconds_ago < 2 * ONE_MINUTE:
return "1 minute ago"
if seconds_ago < ONE_HOUR:
return str(seconds_ago/ONE_MINUTE) + " minutes ago"
if seconds_ago < 2 * ONE_HOUR:
return "1 hour ago"
if seconds_ago < ONE_DAY:
return str(seconds_ago/ONE_HOUR) + " hours ago"
if seconds_ago < 2 * ONE_DAY:
return "1 day ago"
if seconds_ago < ONE_WEEK:
return str(seconds_ago/ONE_DAY) + " days ago"
if seconds_ago < 2 * ONE_WEEK:
return "1 week ago"
if seconds_ago < ONE_MONTH:
return str(seconds_ago/ONE_WEEK) + " weeks ago"
if seconds_ago < 2 * ONE_MONTH:
return "1 month ago"
if seconds_ago < ONE_YEAR:
return str(seconds_ago/ONE_MONTH) + " months ago"
if seconds_ago < 2 * ONE_YEAR:
return "1 year ago"
return str(seconds_ago/ONE_YEAR) + " years ago"
Note that the year/month figures are approximate (based on averages) but that shouldn't really matter since the relative error will still be very low.
You need to do something like this:
tnow = Time.now
elapsed = tnow - tevent # elapsed time in seconds
if (elapsed < 60)
puts "#{elapsed} seconds ago"
elsif (elapsed < 60*60)
puts "#{elapsed/60} minutes ago"
Here is a complete example if you choose to go outside of full Rails but are willing to use active_support (gem install actionview
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'active_support'
require 'active_support/core_ext/object/acts_like'
require 'active_support/core_ext/time/acts_like'
require 'action_view'
require 'date'
# Avoid a deprecation warning
I18n.enforce_available_locales = false
# Add time_ago_in_words
extend ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
'2014-04-24 16:20:00',
'2014-04-21 16:20:00',
'2014-03-24 16:20:00',
'2013-04-20 16:20:00',
].map {|t| DateTime.parse t}.each do |time|
puts time_ago_in_words time
At time of writing, this outputs:
about 6 hours
3 days
about 1 month
about 1 year