Start pdb on exception in Tornado's ioloop

2019-08-01 06:35发布


It's often useful to do this in standalone Python programs:

def excepthook(typ, value, tb):
    traceback.print_exception(typ, value, tb)

if log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:
    sys.excepthook = excepthook

(i.e. if uncatched exception happens, program is dropped into pdb post-mortem mode)

But that doesn't work with Tornado ioloop bc it seems that ioloop catches uncatched exceptions and prints or logs them. If I install above hook, the program enters post-mortem mode only on pressing Ctrl-C which is kind of late. :-)

Is there a way of making this happen without monkey-patching Tornado?


You could subclass tornado's IOLoop and override handle_callback_exception. See

I guess this isn't much different from monkey-patching, though...