
No Extension Exists for pmml:predict WSO2 Stream P

2019-08-01 06:29发布


I am following the WSO2 Stream Processor Studio tutorials to practice Siddhi. So far I've managed to troubleshoot all the bugs incorporated in the tutorials; however, I'm stuck on the 12th tutorial, "Making Real-Time Predictions."

The Siddhi application is

@app:description("Making real-time predictions tutorial 12")

@source(type='http', receiver.url='http://localhost:5006/SugarSyrupEP', @map(type = 'json'))
define stream SugarSyrupDataStream (temperature double, density double);

@sink(type='log', prefix='Predicted next sugar syrup shipment:')
define stream PredictedSugarSyrupDataStream (nextTemperature double, nextDensity double, decision bool);

from SugarSyrupDataStream#pmml:predict('/data/wso2sp-4.0.0-beta3/wso2/lib/features/siddhi-gpl-execution-pmml-4.0.0/component/src/test/resources', temperature, density)
select * 
insert into PredictedSugarSyrupDataStream;

At the line starting with from SugarSyrupDataStream, I get an error message "No Extension Exists for pmml:predict"

The WSO2 Siddhi Gpl Execution Pmml document says to copy the component jar file to the <STREAM_PROCESSOR_HOME>/lib direcotry. The problem is, none of the tar or zip files has a jar file. They all contain pom.xml files and none of the documentation I've found has told me where to deploy the extension.

I tried deploying it in the library directory referenced above and in the features and plug-ins directories as well. I stop and restart the Stream Processor Studio service (editor.sh) each time. Always I get the same error message.

I have installed the WSO2 product on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS and access the stream processor studio through a Firefox browser.


Since siddhi-gpl-excecution-pmml is released under General Public License, it's not shipped with the WSO2 Stream Processor which is released under Apache 2 license.

Therefore you need to manually add such jars to WSO2 Stream Processor.

However it's not hosted in the git. You can find the jar for the siddhi-gpl-execution-pmml extension in maven repository.

Also after you copy that jar to /lib directory, please restart the server. The extension will get deployed. No need to add it to the features or pluggins.

Best Regards!


Now all the siddhi extensions are available in the WSO2 Extensions Store. You can download the jar of the extension you need from there.