All this while I was thinking that it is the markers problem, that they do not get dragged! Now I have realized, that NO mouse click works on the map when it is displayed in Qt widget.
The following code, I pasted in an HTML file and opened through Firefox, this worked flawlessly! and the same doesn't respond when I click on the map on QtWidget :rolleyes:
Can anyone confirm this for me or tell me what wrong I am doing?
Google Maps JavaScript API Example
<script type="text/javascript">
var map;
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng (34.7607233, -117.0107599);
var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer ();;
var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService ();
var pointsArray = new Array();
var arrayToBeReturned = new Array();
function initialize ()
var myOptions =
map = new google.maps.Map (document.getElementById ("map"), myOptions);
directionsDisplay.setMap (map);
google.maps.event.addListener (map, "click", function ()
alert("You clicked the map.");
<body onload="initialize()" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
<div id="map" style="width: 341px; height: 271px"></div>
<div id="directionsPanel" style="float:right;width:30%;height 100%"></div>