I'm writing a custom aframe component to render a mesh based on a very long array of objects.
Aframe documentation only lists array as an input type where you can pass an attribute and it will be parsed into an array attributename="1 2 3"
I would like to pass a javascript reference into the component from the outside with something like this:
const hugeArray = [{somejson}, ...]
const element = document.createElement('my-component');
element.<something happens here>
or create a component outside of DOM API and pass arguments to component's init
Use setAttribute
, which can take objects and arrays as well. Go through the schema
rather than calling a method since the init
handler will automatically get called for you at the right time.
AFRAME.registerComponent('mycomponent', {
schema: {
yourData: {type: 'array'}
init: function () {
const hugeArray = [{somejson}, ...]
const element = document.createElement('a-entity');
element.setAttribute('mycomponent', {yourData: hugeArray});
Found one way to do it.
const hugeArray = [{somejson}, ...]
const element = document.createElement('a-entity');
element.setAttribute('mycomponent', '');
//... add component to DOM and let it initialize
All that is assuming component is registered under a name "mycomponent" and has a method customMethod
alongside init etc.