Android Streaming with MediaPlayer: Error(1, -1004

2019-08-01 02:25发布


I'm trying to do an app for play video. I've 2 problems:

1) I've a Youtube's link: rtsp:// and i do:

"Uri myUri = Uri.parse(link); //link = rtsp://... mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(getApplicationContext(), myUri);"

Then, the video doesn't play... however, if i use a "videoview" works. I think the problem is that "mediaplayer" doesn't play the mpeg codec. Any ideas?

2) I've several links to a different quality, and i play them connected to wifi and no problem but with data connection:

05-01 15:58:25.453: E/Link:(31565):

05-01 15:58:25.464: I/AwesomePlayer(31648): setDataSource_l('')

05-01 15:58:25.484: V/ChromiumHTTPDataSource(31648): connect on behalf of uid 10101

05-01 15:58:25.484: I/ChromiumHTTPDataSource(31648): connect to @0

05-01 15:58:26.226: I/ChromiumHTTPDataSourceSupport(31648): Server responded with http status 403

05-01 15:58:26.226: I/AwesomePlayer(31648): mConnectingDataSource->connect() returned -1004

05-01 15:58:26.226: E/MediaPlayer(31565): error (1, -1004)

05-01 15:58:26.242: E/MediaPlayer(31565): Error (1,-1004)

05-01 15:58:26.242: E/RS(31565): MediaPlayer Playback ERROR

05-01 15:58:26.242: V/(31565): Media Error, Error Unknown -1004

05-01 15:58:26.242: I/RS(31565): MediaPlayer Playback COMPLETED

I hope you can help. Thanks!


1)try without static constructor 2)create a mp object with standard constructor, Try using setDataSource(), prepareAsync() etc. 3)Catch null and illegal state exceptions.

There are some bugs & limitations with MediaPlayer api.

Please ignore isCanceleld() in my sample code.

sample code:

if (mp == null && isCancelled() != true) {
                    mp = new MediaPlayer();

// Log.d("doInBackground", "mp.getCurrentPosition() after mp.start() "+ mp.getCurrentPosition()); // Log.d("doInBackground","mp.getDuration() after mp.start() " + mp.getDuration()); mp.setOnBufferingUpdateListener(new OnBufferingUpdateListener() {

                        public void onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer mp,
                                int percent) {
                            Log.d("TAG_Async", "percent: " + percent);


                if (mp == null) {
                    Log.d(TAG_Async,"### Failed to create media player from static constructor ###");


Actually there is an error is streaming url error due to which this problem exists.. otherwise it works well in videoview.

you have to add youtube signature after the url.

I worked on that and it works perfectly.