Concerning Node.js was Boostrap npm package recent

2019-08-01 01:53发布


I am trying to install boostrap using the npm install method. I have been on this for a while now and am wondering if I am doing something wrong? the npm install is still included on boostrap site as well as github and the npm page.

From what I understand using bower has been deprecated. Had serious issues using gulp. Any assistance or a link to an updated tutorial would be greatly appreciated.

Following errors occured while trying to install via terminal:

~/GitHub/GitSite $ npm install boostrap
npm WARN deprecated boostrap@2.0.0: Package no longer supported.  
Contact for more info.
npm WARN gitsite@1.0.0 No repository field.

+ boostrap@2.0.0
updated 1 package in 1.902s
~/GitHub/GitSite $ npm install boostrap jquery popper.js --save
npm WARN deprecated boostrap@2.0.0: Package no longer supported.  
Contact for more info.
npm WARN gitsite@1.0.0 No repository field.

+ boostrap@2.0.0
+ jquery@3.3.1
+ popper.js@1.14.3
updated 3 packages in 2.216s

In the download was included all the correct folders, however, in node_modules > boostrap there was a README file that said:

Deprecated Package

This package is no longer supported and has been deprecated. To avoid malicious use, npm is hanging on to the package name.

Please contact if you have questions about this package.


Do you have bootstrap@2.0.0 listed in your package.json dependencies?

try npm i bootstrap@4.1.0


Try this:

npm install --save bootstrap@4.1.0


~/GitHub/GitSite $ npm install boostrap

You made a typo buddy, npm install boostrap instead of npm install bootstrap Try with the correct package name and it will work!