Is there a way to change colors of an image much like in Flash/ActionScript with using only HTML5/CSS/JavaScript?
Here's an example in Flash: EDIT: This is the process I wish to duplicate.
I'm trying to accomplish something like this (color changing aspect, preserving lighting and shadows): WITHOUT loading & replacing a new image each time; I want to be able to simply change the color tone (i.e. do a pure HTML5/CSS/JS method). EDIT: This is the result I wish to achieve, not the process.
Basically I want to change the palette/tone of an image, while preserving the other aspects of the image (such as gradient, lighting, etc.). I have gotten close, but not close enough; I've gotten to the point where I use an image mask and composite that over the original image (sort of like a transparent image overlay). Below is some sample code (please note this is just a snippet, so it may or may not work; I am only displaying sample code so you get an idea of what I'm trying to do):
<div id='mask'>
<canvas id='canvas' width='100' height='100'></canvas>
<button data-rgba='255,0,0,0.5'>red</button>
<button data-rgba='0,255,0,0.5'>green</button>
foo = {};
foo.ctx = jQuery('#canvas')[0];
foo.ctx_context = foo.ctx.getContext('2d');
foo.mask = jQuery('#mask')[0];
foo.img = new Image();
foo.img_path = '/path/to/image_mask.png'; // 100px x 100px image
foo.changeColor = function(rgba){
foo.ctx_context.clearRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
foo.ctx_context.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + rgba + ')';
foo.ctx_context.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
foo.ctx_context.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-atop';
foo.ctx_context.drawImage(foo.img, 0, 0);
foo.ctx_context.css({'background-image': "url(" + foo.ctx.toDataURL("image/png") + ")"});
The major problem with using this approach is that the images look really flat. There's something else missing, or the mask I'm using (which is a solid white irregular shaped image), is the wrong approach.