I am trying to remove duplicate values from an array.
I came across this solution: http://www.livio.net/main/asp_functions.asp?id=RemDups%20Function
It works fine if I hard code an array, via e.g.
theArray = Array("me@me.com","sid@sid.com","bob@bob.com","other@test.com","other@test.com","other@test.com")
The duplicates are removed via the test steps shown on the livio.net page:
'--- show array before modifications
response.write "before:<HR>" & showArray (theArray)
'---- remove duplicate string values
theArray = RemDups(theArray)
'--- show the array with no duplicate values
response.write "after:" & showArray (theArray)
However, I am trying to remove duplicates from values which are entered into a textarea on a form.
Assuming I've got the addresses in a standard format where they are comma separated, and are stored in a string called "whotoemail"
So, "whotoemail" contains:
I tried declaring my array as:
theArray = Array(whotoemail)
Then running through the test steps - the duplicates are not removed. It doesn't seem to recognise that the array has been declared at all, or that it contains any values.
I then thought, maybe the values need to be wrapped in speech marks, so I fudged a clunky way to do that:
testing = Split(whotoemail,",")
loop_address = ""
For i=0 to UBound(testing)
loop_address = loop_address & "," & chr(34) & trim(testing(i)) & chr(34)
' remove leading comma
left_comma = left(loop_address,1)
if left_comma = "," then
ttl_len = len(loop_address)
loop_address = right(loop_address,ttl_len-1)
end if
So now my "whotoemail" string is wrapped in speech marks, just like when I hard coded the Array.
But still the duplicate values are not removed.
Is it not possible to dynamically set the values of the array when declaring the array?
Or am I missing something obvious?
Any advice would be hugely appreciated.