i wanted to merge two columns of same table into one and show only selected column. I have sql table like this.
S.no Location date time Status
1 xyz 2014-6-6 10:55 In
2 abc 2014-6-6 4:30 out
3 mno 2014-6-7 11:00 In
4 mop 2014-6-7 4:00 out
5 abc 2014-6-8 11:00 In
Here, i wanted to merge columns to show one column based on same date. The required format is
s.no LocationIn LocationOut date timeIN timeout
1 xyz abc 2014-6-6 10:55 4:30
2 mno mop 2014-6-7 11:00 4:00
3 abc 2014-6-8 11:00
i had used join to return date only but had no idea on how to do.. can anyone tell me how this could be done?? thanks in advance