This question is an extension/alternate method at trying to solve this question (Extracting boundaries of dense regions of 1s in a huge list of 1s and 0s)
I have a huge list of 1s and 0s [Total length = 53820].
Example of how the list looks like - [0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1...........]
The visualization is given below.
x-axis: index of the element (from 0 to 53820)
y-axis: value at that index (i.e. 1 or 0)
The black lines around the peaks (indicating 1), are the dense regions whose boundary values (start and end values on x-axis) that I want to extract.
Input Plot--> (
I have done a Kernel Density estimation of the indexes (x-axis) and the list of 1s and 0s (y-axis) and I obtain a plot like this:
KDE Plot--> (
I am interested in extracting the values of the x-axis (index number) on y-axis = 1. i.e. I would like to extract the boundaries (start and end values) where 1s are most dense (Indicated by black lines on the plot)
The code for the same is a follows:
df = pd.read_csv(path)
mylist = df['Values'] # The huge list with 1s and 0s
indexes = list(range(len(mylist))) # The corresponding list of indexes of mylist
ax = sns.jointplot(x=indexes, y=mylist, kind="kde")
I printed out the axes which sns.distplot returns for plotting, which gives me <seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid object at 0x7f09d37d5cf8>
But I am unable to extract the boundary values from that.
I also looked at ( but could not figure out how to use it for my problem here.
Any help would be appreciated :)