我现在所做的,显示在系统中的硬盘使用的应用程序。 对于我要生成网格和控件(如进度条和标签)动态显示的使用。 是否有任何XAML模板可用于这一目的?
Answer 1:
Label[] drivesLabel;
Label[] percentageLabel;
ProgressBar[] drivesProgress;
int drivesCount = 0;
private void DrawControls()
// Getting drive list.
List<DriveInfo> driveList = GetHardDiskDrives();
drivesCount = driveList.Count;
// Initializing new Grid.
Grid drivesGrid = new Grid();
DrivesBorder.Child = drivesGrid;
// Adding Rows and Colums to Grid.
RowDefinition[] rows = new RowDefinition[2*drivesCount + 1];
ColumnDefinition[] columns = new ColumnDefinition[6];
// Draw Rows.
for (int i = 0; i < 2*drivesCount + 1; i++)
rows[i] = new RowDefinition();
// Setting Row height.
rows[i].Height = (0 == i % 2) ? new GridLength( 5 ): new GridLength( 25 );
// Draw Columns.
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
columns[i] = new ColumnDefinition();
if (i % 2 == 0)
// Setting column width.
columns[i].Width = new GridLength(5);
// Setting column width.
columns[1].Width = new GridLength(60);
columns[3].Width = new GridLength(180);
columns[5].Width = new GridLength(60);
// Draw Labels to show drive letters.
drivesLabel = new Label[drivesCount];
// Draw Progress bar to show drive usage.
drivesProgress = new ProgressBar[drivesCount];
// Draw Labels to show drive usage.
percentageLabel = new Label[drivesCount];
// Adding Labels and Progressbars to Grid.
for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < drivesCount; i++, j++)
// Initialize Labels to show drives.
drivesLabel[i] = new Label();
drivesLabel[i].Content = driveList[i].Name;
drivesLabel[i].Foreground = Brushes.Navy;
Grid.SetRow(drivesLabel[i], i + j);
Grid.SetColumn(drivesLabel[i], 1);
// Initialize ProgressBar to show usage.
drivesProgress[i] = new ProgressBar();
drivesProgress[i].FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight;
drivesProgress[i].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
drivesProgress[i].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
drivesProgress[i].Orientation= Orientation.Horizontal;
drivesProgress[i].Value = 0;
drivesProgress[i].Maximum = 100;
drivesProgress[i].Width = 180;
drivesProgress[i].Height = 18;
Grid.SetRow(drivesProgress[i], i + j);
Grid.SetColumn(drivesProgress[i], 3);
// Initialize Labels to show usage in percentage.
percentageLabel[i] = new Label();
percentageLabel[i].Content = "0 %";
Grid.SetRow(percentageLabel[i], i + j);
Grid.SetColumn(percentageLabel[i], 5);
// Setting window height.
catch(Exception Ex) {}
功能GetHardDiskDrives()和SetWindowHeight()是用户定义的函数。 该JPB是根据添加新的控件得到磁碟机,并设置窗口的高度。
Answer 2:
我发现,对方的回答是因为直列评论别扭......加入columnDEFINITION(例如)“绘制”绝对没有 - 这是对初学者很有误导性。
另外:行多次选择,即使他们已经选择......这只是徒然增加了开销。 这会,如果你正在使用几百行让你的应用程序真的很慢。
Private Delegate Sub MyDelegate3(ByVal iByte As Byte)
Private Delegate Function MyDelegate4() As Byte
Public Property GridColumns As Byte
Dim del As New MyDelegate4(AddressOf GetColumns)
Return grid.Dispatcher.Invoke(del)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Byte)
Dim del As MyDelegate3
If GridColumns > 0 Then
Dim diff As SByte = GridColumns - value
If diff > 0 Then 'Spalten abziehen
del = New MyDelegate3(AddressOf RemColDefs)
grid.Dispatcher.Invoke(del, diff)
Else 'Spalten hinzufügen
del = New MyDelegate3(AddressOf AddColDefs)
grid.Dispatcher.Invoke(del, Math.Abs(diff))
End If
del = New MyDelegate3(AddressOf AddColDefs)
grid.Dispatcher.Invoke(del, value)
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Property GridRows As Byte
Dim del As New MyDelegate4(AddressOf GetRows)
Return grid.Dispatcher.Invoke(del)
End Get
Set(value As Byte)
Dim del As MyDelegate3
If GridRows > 0 Then
Dim diff As SByte = GridRows - value
If diff > 0 Then 'Zeilen abziehen
del = New MyDelegate3(AddressOf RemRowDefs)
grid.Dispatcher.Invoke(del, diff)
Else 'Spalten hinzufügen
del = New MyDelegate3(AddressOf AddRowDefs)
grid.Dispatcher.Invoke(del, Math.Abs(diff))
End If
del = New MyDelegate3(AddressOf AddRowDefs)
grid.Dispatcher.Invoke(del, value)
End If
End Set
End Property
Private Function GetRows() As Byte
Return grid.RowDefinitions.Count
End Function
Private Function GetColumns() As Byte
Return grid.ColumnDefinitions.Count
End Function
Private Sub AddRowDefs(ByVal iRows As Byte)
For r As Byte = 1 To iRows
Dim rowDef As New RowDefinition
rowDef.Height = GridLength.Auto
End Sub
Private Sub RemRowDefs(ByVal iRows As Byte)
For r As Byte = 1 To iRows
If grid.RowDefinitions.Count > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AddColDefs(ByVal iCols As Byte)
For r As Byte = 1 To iCols
Dim colDef As New ColumnDefinition
colDef.Width = GridLength.Auto
End Sub
Private Sub RemColDefs(ByVal iCols As Byte)
For r As Byte = 1 To iCols
If grid.ColumnDefinitions.Count > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
文章来源: Adding Grid and Controls dynamically in WPF