Magento Custom Router Lost Layout Object

2019-07-31 17:22发布


It seems like everything is being properly configured and I can get the output that I want but I would prefer not echoing the layout object directly from my controller:

Here is what Im working with config.xml



#File: Controller/Router.php

class ALS_Bestselling_Controller_Router extends Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Abstract

    private static $_module = 'bestsellers';
    private static $_realModule = 'ALS_Bestselling';
    private static $_controller = 'index';
    private static $_controllerClass = 'ALS_Bestselling_Controller_Index';
    private static $_action = 'view';

    public function initControllerRouters($observer)
        $front = $observer->getEvent()->getFront();
        $front->addRouter('bestselling', $this);

    public function collectRoutes()
        // nothing to do here

    public function match(Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request)
        $this->_request = $request;
        $front = $this->getFront();
        $identifier = trim($request->getPathInfo(), '/');
        if(!substr($identifier,0,strlen('bestsellers')) == 'bestsellers'){
            return false;
            //$rewrite = Mage::getModel('core/url_rewrite');
            $route_params = str_replace ( "bestsellers/" , "" , $identifier );
            $rewrite = Mage::getModel('core/url_rewrite');
            $category_route = $rewrite->getIdPath();

            //If no route exists for category send to a different router
            if(!$category_route != ""){
                return false;
            }//Otherwise send the parameters to the request
                $id = str_replace ( "category/" , "" , $category_route );

        return true;
    protected function _setRequestRoute()

    protected function _dispatch()
        $controller = Mage::getControllerInstance(self::$_controllerClass, $this->_request, $this->_response);


File: Controller/Index.php

     class ALS_Bestselling_Controller_Index extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action{   
    public function viewAction(){
            $layout = Mage::app()->getLayout();
            $render = $layout->getBlock('root')->toHtml();
            echo $render;


The previous works but the following:

$update = $this->getLayout()->getUpdate();

throws an error Call to a member function appendBody() on a non-object.

Is this how I am suppose to do this or is there something missing from the recipe?


Custom routing classes are on the fringe of what most developers do with Magento — the standard approach would be to setup a standard module controller with a frontname of bestselling, or create your feature in a non-seo friendly way and then create a rewrite entity/object to SEO-ify it.

I, however, have a soft spot for custom routing objects, even if there's little in the way of best community practices behind them. Without a line number, it sounds like your exception

Call to a member function appendBody() on a non-object

comes from the following code

#File: app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Action.php


Given the definition for getResponse

public function getResponse()
    return $this->_response;

It sounds like your controller object doesn't have a proper response object set.

Looking at your controller instantiation code

$controller = Mage::getControllerInstance(self::$_controllerClass, $this->_request, $this->_response);

You're referencing a $this->_response property — but your router class and the abstract router class don't have this property. It's impossible to say based on what you've posted, but this is probably your problem. Take a look at how the standard router's match method does it.

#File: app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Router/Standard.php
$controllerInstance = Mage::getControllerInstance($controllerClassName, $request, $front->getResponse());

So, use the front-controller object to grab the response object, pass that into the getCongrollerInstance factory method, and you should be good to go (or at least onto the next problem)

标签: magento