I'm using Spray API(spray-client) to hit an external URL and I'm getting gzipped HttpResponse. How do I unzip this HttpResponse to get its entity(json, in my case)?
val future: Future[HttpResponse] = (IO(Http) ? Get(uri)).mapTo[HttpResponse]
val response = Await.result(future, Duration.inf)
val json = response.entity
Here, json is gzipped. How do I unzip it?
You need to use pipelining and the decode
directive. Like in this example.
Modifying that example your code would look something like this:
val pipeline: HttpRequest => Future[String] = (
~> decode(Gzip)
~> unmarshal[String]
val response: Future[String] =
You can then do Await on the response if you don't want the benefits of Futures.
On a side note you can use spray-json and create an object for your response and then unmarshal the http response directly into a case class without having to deal with the json.