Getting API error [9000] desc [Error in service CC

2019-07-31 16:30发布


I am using Cardinal Cruise Hybrid for 3D secure. I followed the documentation provided byCardinal Cruise. I have created JWT with PHP. I am using Cardinal Cruise Javascript Activation Credentials. I am getting cmpi_lookup response and cmpi_authenticate response with Visa and master.

I am unable to get cmpi_lookup response with Amex card. Can any one help me to fix this issue? My js code

logging: {
    level: "on"

  var orderObject =  {
        "Authorization": {
          "AuthorizeAccount": true
        "Cart": [
            "Name": "test",
            "SKU": "sdsadsf",
            "Quantity": "3",
            "Description": "ccccc"
        "Consumer": {
          "Email1": "",
          "Email2": "",
          "ShippingAddress": {
            "FullName": "John Smith",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "MiddleName": "",
            "LastName": "Smith",
            "Address1": "8100 Tyler Blvd.",
            "Address2": "",
            "Address3": "",
            "City": "Mentor",
            "State": "Ohio",
            "PostalCode": "44060",
            "CountryCode": "US",
            "Phone1": "",
            "Phone2": ""
          "BillingAddress": {
            "FullName": "John Smith",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "MiddleName": "",
            "LastName": "Smith",
            "Address1": "8100 Tyler Blvd.",
            "Address2": "",
            "Address3": "",
            "City": "Mentor",
            "State": "Ohio",
            "PostalCode": "44060",
            "CountryCode": "US",
            "Phone1": "",
            "Phone2": ""
          "Account": {
            "AccountNumber": 340000000003961,
            "ExpirationMonth": 01,
            "ExpirationYear": 2022,
            "CardCode": 0775,
            "NameOnAccount": "John Smith"
        "Options": {
          "EnableCCA": true
        "OrderDetails": { 
          "OrderNumber": Math.random(0, 1000000) + "-shzs",
          "Amount": 25.00,
          "CurrencyCode": "840",
          "OrderDescription": "nothg",
          "OrderChannel": "S",
          "TransactionId": "2fDSaySnCmDGCjPglzqX"
        "Token": {
         "Token": "",
          "CardCode": 0775,
          "ExpirationMonth": 01,
          "ExpirationYear": 2022
         "CCAExtension" : {
            "AcquirerId" : "",
            "AcquirerMerchantId" : "",
            "AcquirerPassword" : "",
            "CountryCodeOverride" : "US",
            "FormId" : "",
            "MerchantName" : "devCenterMerchant",
            "MerchantUrl" : "",
            "PAResPayload" : "",
            "ProductCode" : "01",
            "ShippingMethod" : "01"

  Cardinal.setup('init', {
    jwt: document.getElementById('JWTContainer').value,
    order: orderObject
  Cardinal.on('payments.setupComplete', function(){ 
  Cardinal.start('cca', orderObject); 

Getting response

ActionCode: "NOACTION"
ErrorDescription: "Error in service CCA lookup"
ErrorNumber: 9000
ECIFlag: "07"
Enrolled: "U"