So I have written an application Expose my business logic via Remote interface for App Client, and Local interface for Web module. Just find out that our server has limited memory, so I need to make Glassfish to be light weight. Unfortunately, GF Full Profile is not light weight (using GF 3.1.1 RC atm), therefore I am looking at the Web profile of GlassFish. Now there is a answer saying that Remote interface is not a feature of EJB Lite here ( exposes a Remote client view. This feature is not part of the EJB 3.1 Lite API ), but it was 7 months ago, and the OP answered his/her own question, so I just want to confirm this information.
If it is true the Remote interface is not for the web profile, then is there a way for me to make Glassfish lighter? I dont need a lot of feature from Glassfish full profile, like JAX-WS, JAXB, JAX-RS ... Can I take them out somehow?