I'm using a method to generate XML files dynamically for a research project, they get put into a loader that reads from a file path, I don't have any control over how the loader handles things (otherwise I'd pass the internal XML representation instead of monkeying with temp files), I'm using this code to save the file:
File outputs = File.createTempFile("lvlFile", ".tmp.xml");
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputs);
// filenames is my list of file paths which gets returned and passed around
Now, I'm sure that the file in question is written to directly. If I print outputs.getAbsolutePath() and navigate there via terminal to check the files, everything is generated and written properly, so everything is correct on the filesystem. However, this code:
URL url = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(_levelFile);
Where _levelFile is one of my filenames generated above, causes url to be null. The path isn't getting corrupted or anything, printing verifies that _levelFile points to the correct path. The same code has succeeded for other files. Further, the bug doesn't seem related to whether or not I use getPath(), getCanonicalPath(), or getAbsolutePath(), further setting outputs.isReadable(true) doesn't do anything.
Any ideas? Please don't offer alternatives to the Url url = structure, I don't have any control over this code*, I'm obligated to change my code so that the url is set correctly.
(*) At least without SIGNIFICANT effort rewriting a large section of the framework I'm working with, even though the current code succeeds in all other cases.
Again, I can't use an alternative to the URL code, it's part of a loader that I can't touch. Also, the loading fails even if I set the path of the temp file to the same directory that my successfully loaded files come from.