I'm writing a Haskell program to export some mathematics formula to docx
and I have noted that variable names with multiple character are written with a blank white space between each letter and I don't understand why ?
My basic code is :
import Text.Pandoc
import Data.Map (fromList)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
main = do
document <- writeDocx WriterOptions{ writerStandalone=False
, writerReferenceDocx=Nothing
, writerUserDataDir=Nothing
, writerHighlight= False
} pandoc
B.writeFile "document.docx" document
pandoc = Pandoc ( Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
[ Para [Str "A small Math example"]
, Plain [Math InlineMath "A_e = var + 5"]
, HorizontalRule
and the result is :
and I would like to get :
I tried to modify the string defining my equation to
Math InlineMath "A_e = {var} + 5"
but It didn't change anything
I also tried :
Math InlineMath "A_e = \\{var\\} + 5"
But It gave :
Do you know how to remove these boring white spaces ?