I have the next vectors:
A = [0;100;100;2100;100;2000;2100;2100;0;100;2000;2100;0];
B = [0;0;1450;1450;1550;1550;1550;1550;2500;2500;3000;3000;0]
If we plot A and B, we'll obtain the following graphic:
Then, I wonder how to short the points in order to have the next plot:
As you can see, there're some conditions like: all of them form right angles; there's no intersection between lines.
Thanks in advance for any reply!
This can be solved in the traditional recursive 'maze' solution of 'crawling on walls':
%%% In file solveMaze.m
function Out = solveMaze (Pts,Accum)
if isempty (Pts); Out = Accum; return; end % base case
x = Accum(1, end); y = Accum(2, end); % current point under consideration
X = Pts(1,:); Y = Pts(2,:); % remaining points to choose from
% Solve 'maze' by wall-crawling (priority: right, up, left, down)
if find (X > x & Y == y); Ind = find (X > x & Y == y); Ind = Ind(1);
elseif find (X == x & Y > y ); Ind = find (X == x & Y > y ); Ind = Ind(1);
elseif find (X < x & Y == y); Ind = find (X < x & Y == y); Ind = Ind(1);
elseif find (X == x & Y < y ); Ind = find (X == x & Y < y ); Ind = Ind(1);
else error('Incompatible maze');
Accum(:,end+1) = Pts(:,Ind); % Add successor to accumulator
Pts(:,Ind) = []; % ... and remove from Pts
Out = solveMaze (Pts, Accum);
Call as follows, given A and B as above;
Pts = [A.'; B.']; Pts = unique (Pts.', 'rows').'; % remove duplicates
Out = solveMaze (Pts, Pts(:,1)); % first point as starting point
plot(Out(1,:), Out(2,:),'-o'); % gives expected plot
If all intersections must be at 90 degree angles, we can form a graph of possible connections.
# in pseudo-code, my matlab is very rusty
points = zip(A, B)
graph = zeros(points.length, points.length) # Generate an adjacency matrix
for i in [0, points.length):
for j in [i + 1, points.length):
if points[i].x == points[j].x or points[i].y == points[j].y:
graph[i][j] = graph[j][i] = 1
graph[i][j] = graph[j][i] = 0
Note: it may be important/ improve performance to disconnect colinear points.
After this, the solution is reduced to finding a Hamiltonian Cycle. Unfortunately this is an NP-hard problem, but fortunately, a MATLAB solution already exists: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/51610-hamiltonian-graph--source--destination- (although I haven't tested it).