Foreach not working in Prolog

2019-07-31 13:36发布


I am trying following code, where foreach and string_codes are working separately:

7 ?- string_codes("acid", D).
D = [97, 99, 105, 100].

8 ?- string_codes(S,  [116, 101, 115, 116]).
S = "test".

15 ?- foreach(member(S, ["test", "acid"]), writeln(S) ).

But not together:

14 ?- foreach(member(S, ["test", "acid"]), string_codes(S, X) ).

17 ?- foreach(member(X,[[116, 101, 115, 116], [97, 99, 105, 100]]), string_codes(S, X)).

Only first letter is printed with this code:

77 ?- foreach(member(X, [[97], [98],[99]]), (string_codes(S,X), writeln(S))).

Where is the problem and how can it be solved?

Edit: maplist works only one way:

74 ?- maplist(string_codes, ["test","acid"], L).
L = [[116, 101, 115, 116], [97, 99, 105, 100]].

73 ?- maplist(string_codes, L, [97, 98,99]).
ERROR: string_codes/2: Type error: `list' expected, found `97' (an integer)

Actually, each number should be a list:

75 ?- maplist(string_codes, L, [[97], [98],[99]]).
L = ["a", "b", "c"].

How can I convert a list of numbers into a list of lists?

I am trying:


It does produce list of numbers in that pattern but still does not work:

ERROR: string_codes/2: Type error: `character_code' expected, found `[116]' (a list)
105 ?- 


foreach/2 actually does work as described in the documentation:

True if conjunction of results is true. Unlike forall/2, which runs a failure-driven loop that proves Goal for each solution of Generator, foreach/2 creates a conjunction. Each member of the conjunction is a copy of Goal, where the variables it shares with Generator are filled with the values from the corresponding solution.

This means that

foreach(member(S, ["abc", "test"]), string_codes(S, X))

is equivalent to the conjunction:

string_codes("abc", X), string_codes("test", X)

Clearly, this is false since X cannot both be the string code list for "abc" and "test". You could use forall/2 here. forall(member(S, ["abc", "test"]), string_codes(S, X)) succeeds, but won't display X. You could write it as:

forall(member(S, ["abc", "test"]), (string_codes(S, X), writeln(X))).

But then the display of X is just a side-effect and not captured.

This leaves you with maplist/3 as @mat suggested:

?- maplist(string_codes, ["abc", "def"], ListOfCodeLists)
ListOfCodeLists = [[97, 98, 99], [100, 101, 102]].

Which does work in reverse:

?- maplist(string_codes, ListOfStrings, [[97, 98, 99], [100, 101, 102]]).
ListOfStrings = ["abc", "def"].

Here, string_codes is operating on each list of codes as its second argument: string_codes(X, [97, 98, 99]) produces "abc" and string_codes(X, [100, 101, 102]) produces "def".