I have been reading lots of great answers to different problems over the time on this site but this is the first time I am posting. So in advance thanks for your help.
Here is my question:
I have a MySQL table that tracks visits to different websites we have. This is the table structure:
create table navigation_base (
uid int(11) NOT NULL,
date datetime not null,
dia date not null,
ip int(4) unsigned not null default 0,
session_id int unsigned not null,
cliente smallint unsigned not null default 0,
campaign mediumint unsigned not null default 0,
trackcookie int unsigned not null,
adgroup int unsigned not null default 0,
This table has aprox. 70 million rows (an average of 110,000 per day).
On that table we have created indexes with following commands:
alter table navigation_base add index dia_cliente_campaign_ip (dia,cliente,campaign,ip);
alter table navigation_base add index dia_cliente_campaign_ip_session (dia,cliente,campaign,ip,session_id);
alter table navigation_base add index dia_cliente_campaign_ip_session_trackcookie (dia,cliente,campaign,ip,session_id,trackcookie);
We then use this table to get visitor statistics grouped by clients, days and campaigns with the following query:
count(distinct ip) as visitas,
count(ip) as paginas_vistas,
count(distinct session_id) as sesiones,
count(distinct trackcookie) as cookies
from navigation_base where
(dia between '2017-01-01' and '2017-01-31')
group by dia,cliente,campaign order by NULL
Even having those indexes created, the response times for periods of one month are relatively slow; On our server about 3 seconds.
Are there some ways of speeding up these queries?
Thanks in advance.