I have a "book reading" action and I tried to add a follow up intent for my read intent to reprompt a user if there was no response. Following the doc https://developers.google.com/actions/assistant/reprompts - my webhook never gets called.
However, if I add the no input handler as a main intent, I do get this event!
Is this a bug or did I miss something.
The no-input event is a little unusual, since it is handled differently internally compared to many other events. It would not surprise me if this difference requires it to be handled as a top-level Intent. You may also wish to just try setting the context in your book reading portion and having this as an input context for your no-input event.
However... this will also likely not do what you want it to do.
The no-input event will automatically terminate the conversation after three sequential events, even if you don't explicitly close the conversation.
The current way to handle this would be to use a Media Response after each portion you read. This would include a very short audio file. After the audio plays, your Action will be actions_intent_MEDIA_STATUS
event, which you can use to trigger the next portion to be read.
No Input will be main intent as it can be reused by other intents. You may need to save bots response in a parameter in the context to check what the bot replied when handling the re-prompts from this generic No Input intent.