I'm trying to understand how the kdims work for Polygon plots in geoviews. There is a similar question here but it hasn't really been answered - GeoViews: add a slider to chloropleth with Polygon geometries
In http://geo.holoviews.org/user_guide/Geometries.html the line
gv.Polygons(world, vdims='pop_est')
yields a world map with polygons shaded by population, and I think what it's somehow doing is getting lat/long as the kdims but I don't understand how this works. If I try to specify 'geometry' as the kdims I get an error "Expected two kdims to use GeoDataFrame, found 1."
My end goal is to be able specify the kdims so that I can also specify a "year" parameter as the kdims and get a scrollbar on the map.