I have hourly timeseries data of three homes(H1, H2, H3
) for continuous five days created as
dt <- data.frame(H1 = rnorm(24*5,200,2),H2 = rnorm(24*5,150,2),H3 = rnorm(24*5,50,2)) # hourly data of three homes for 5 days
timestamp <- seq(as.POSIXct("2016-01-01"),as.POSIXct("2016-01-05 23:59:59"), by = "hour") # create timestamp
dt$timestamp <- timestamp
Now I want to plot data homewise in facet form; accordingly I melt dataframe as
tempdf <- reshape2::melt(dt,id.vars="timestamp") # melt data for faceting
colnames(tempdf) <- c("time","var","val") # rename so as not to result in conflict with another melt inside geom_line
Within each facet (for each home), I want to see the values of all the five days in line plot form (each facet should contain 5 lines corresponding to different days). Accordingly,
ggplot(tempdf) + facet_wrap(~var) +
geom_line(data = function(x) {
locdat <- xts(x$val,x$time)# create timeseries object for easy splitting
sub <- split.xts(locdat,f="days") # split data daywise of considered home
sub2 <- sapply(sub, function(y) return(coredata(y))) # arrange data in matrix form
df_sub2 <- as.data.frame(sub2)
df_sub2$timestamp <- index(sub[[1]]) # forcing same timestamp for all days [okay with me]
df_melt <- reshape2::melt(df_sub2,id.vars="timestamp") # melt to plot inside each facet
}, aes(x=timestamp, y=value,group=variable,color=variable),inherit.aes = FALSE)
I have forced the same timestamp for all the days of a home to make plotting simple. With above code, I get plot as
Only problem with above plot is that, It is plotting same data in all the facets. Ideally, H1
facet should contain data of home 1 only and H2
facet should contain data of home 2. I know that I am not able to pass homewise data in geom_line()
, can anyone help to do in correct manner.